Cronus Magnum
15 April, 2011

The Absolute Sound prisar Rouge Audio Cronus Magnum. Tilldelas 2011 Editors Choice Award i kategorin Integrated Amplifiers med sammanfattningen:

”Striking a balance between elegance and power, its dynamic scaling is very fine – lilting with chamber music, muscular with rock and orchestral. The Magnum is also remarkably transparent to the source allowing listeners to “peer” into a recorded performance in a way that is highly unusual in this price class.”


I TAS januarinummer finns en utförligare artikel om Rouge Audio Cronus Magnum. Wayne Garcia avslutar den med följande ord:

”I have nothing to add in my praise for the outstanding effort. The high end and music lovers alike can only benefit from such a satisfying design. So satisfying, that when economy does rebound Cronus Magnum owners may not be tempted to upgrade at all, but simply sit back and enjoy the music through this terrific product.”

Som vi brukar säga: Lyssna Se Känn Njut


Publicerad av: Kent Melin
Kategori: Förstärkare