Mera K2 godis
12 April, 2011

May 15. 2010

At a time when most other audio firms, even Linn and Naim,have conditioned us to expect integrated amps without phono stages, Roksan´s inclusion of same in the Kandy K2 may be that product´s greatest technical distinction.

With every loudspeaker I had on hand, the Kandy K2 distinguish itself as a clear, big-sounding, rhythmically accomplished amp with a slightly--a dam near imperceptibly--rounded-off top end.That bit of softness, coupled with its nearly complete lack of timing distortion, distinguished the K2 as one of the most listenable entry-level components I´ve had in my home.

The Kandy´s phono section deserves special mention, not just for its freedom from hum and noice but for echoing--and, if anything, compounding--the slight and pleasent roundness that the K2 imparted to line-level sources.


The Kandy K2 also strikes me as the sort of amp one can grow info for quite some time before wanting more: a neat balancing act, carried off here with rare success. The Roksan, which also happens to be built like a Schick Brithouse, offers vary good value for the money, and I enjoyed every minute spent listening with it--especially after I put away the somewhat frustrating remote handset. Highly recommended. 

Art Dudley

Publicerad av: Kent Melin
Kategori: Förstärkare