Varför akryl?
16 Sept, 2015

För den som är intresserad av få veta varför Touraj Moghaddam har valt plintar i akryl så känner jag att jag bara måste kopiera och sprida han tankar och konstruktioner. Det var som vanligt ett mycket mycket givande samtal med Mr T onsdag kväll den 16:e september.

Highest-quality cast acrylic has been chosen as the best material for the plinths of the record player, due to its consistent rigidity and naturally non-resonant properties. The plinths are CNC machined from different thicknesses of cast acrylic to their specific designed shapes and are critically isolated from each other. Isolation is provided by several unique suspension components, where every layer is designed to eliminate certain unwanted movements and vibrations – internal or external. The intricate design of the isolation components combined with the stable acrylic plinth structure provides the best possible platform for the tonearm, cartridge and the platter assembly. The result is an unparalleled and an unforgettable musical experience, every time you play a record on the RG-1, SG-1 & MG-1.

Publicerad av: Kent Melin
Kategori: Vinyl